February 6: TDM Technical Committee
- 2/6/25 Agenda (PDF 66KB)
- Meeting Minutes (coming soon)
- Funding Formula 2023-2025: Key Decisions Recap and Survey Results (PDF 222KB)
- Plans Recommended for Approval: Local and Regional CTR Plans (PDF 69KB)
January 8: TDM Technical Committee
- 1/8/25 Agenda (PDF 102KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 101KB)
- DRAFT 2025 2029 State Commute Trip Reduction Plan (PDF 658KB)
- Tax credit information (PDF 51KB)
- Plans Recommended for Approval: Local and Regional CTR Plans (PDF 64KB)
December 5: TDM Technical Committee
- 12/5/2024 Agenda (PDF 99KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 105KB)
- TDM Executive Board/Technical Committee Joint Retreat Outcomes (PDF 54KB)
- Plans Recommended for Approval: Local and Regional CTR Plans (PDF 138KB)
November 20: TDM Executive Board
- 11/20/2024 Agenda (PDF 99KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 103KB)
- TDM Executive Board/Technical Committee Joint Retreat Outcomes (PDF 93KB)
- 2026 World Cup Planning (PDF 327KB)
- Board Purpose and Proposed Initiatives (PDF 53KB)
CANCELLED: November 7: TDM Technical Committee
October 3: TDM Technical Committee
- 10/3/24 Agenda (PDF 100KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 101KB)
- TDM Milestones Summary (PDF 44KB)
- Mobility Partnerships Grant Refresher (PDF 179KB)
- CTR Funding Formula 2023-2025: Key Decisions Recap (PDF 175KB)
- Milestone Minute: Submit to Regional Partners (PDF 127KB)
- CTR 4-year Plan Performance Target Presentation: Thurston Regional Planning Council (PDF 888KB)
- CTR 4-year Plan Performance Targets Request for Approval (Thurston Regional Planning Council):
September 5: TDM Technical Committee
- 9/5/24 Agenda (PDF 101KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 119KB)
- TDM Executive Board/TDM Technical Committee Retreat Update (PDF 430KB)
- Milestone Minute: Revise Plan (PDF 286KB)
- CTR 4-year Plan Performance Target Presentation: Commute Smart NW (PDF 405KB)
- CTR 4-year Plan Performance Targets Request for Approval (Commute Smart NW):
July 25: TDM Executive Board
- 7/25/24 Agenda (PDF 101KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 80KB)
- State of Washington Proclamation: Transportation Demand Management Awareness Week (PDF 352KB)
- TDM: Looking Back, Moving Forward (PDF 2.8MB)
- Key Findings of the CTR Program Equity Study (PDF 1.6MB)
July 11: TDM Technical Committee
- 7/11/2024 Agenda (PDF 100KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 82KB)
- Key Findings of the CTR Program Equity Study (PDF 1.7KB)
- CTR 4-Year Plan Review Subcommittee Recap (PDF 184 KB)
- Milestone Minute: Align Draft Plan with Other Plans (PDF 116 KB)
June 6: TDM Technical Committee
- 6/6/2024 Agenda (PDF 198KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 104KB)
- Introduction and Update on the CTR Program Equity Study (PDF 448 KB)
- CTR 4-Year Plan Review Subcommittee (PDF 108 KB)
- Milestone Minute: Drafting Your Plan (PDF 200KB)
- Statewide Vanpool Benefit Update (PDF 292KB)
May 23: TDM Executive Board
- 5/23/2024 Agenda (PDF 179KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 108KB)
- Crystal Mountain Ski Resort TDM Program (PDF 2MB)
- WSDOT Equity Work: Providing Access for All (PDF 164KB)
- WSDOT Equity Work: Transit Support Grant (PDF 295KB)
- WSDOT Equity Work: GTFS and Sidewalk Data (PDF 500KB)
May 9: TDM Technical Committee
- 5/9/2024 Agenda (PDF 203KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 90KB)
- CTR 4-year Plan Performance Targets Request for Approval: City of Seattle (PDF 717KB)
- CTR 4-year Plan Performance Target Presentation: City of Seattle (PDF 1.6KB)
- Recommendation: Shift Puget Sound Regional Council Commute Trip Reduction Regional Plan Dates (PDF 28KB)
- Puget Sound Regional Council Presentation: TDM and CTR Planning in the Central Puget Sound Region (PDF 1MB)
- Commute Trip Reduction Four Year Plans Progress Dashboard (PDF 58KB)
- Milestone Minute (PDF 199KB)
- State Worker Vanpool Subsidy (PDF 13KB)
April 4: TDM Technical Committee
- 4/4/2024 Agenda (PDF 199KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 110KB)
- CTR 4-year Plan Performance Targets Request for Approval: City of Kirkland (PDF 180KB)
- CTR 4-year Plan Performance Target: City of Kirkland, Presentation (PDF 328 KB)
- Commute Trip Reduction Four Year Plans Progress Dashboard (PDF 54KB)
- TDM Milestones and Work Plan (PDF 94KB)
March 7: TDM Technical Committee
- 3/7/2024 Agenda (PDF 199KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 97KB)
- CTR 4-year Plan Performance Targets Request for Approval: Unincorporated Snohomish County (PDF 142KB)
- Milestone Minutes (PDF 159KB)
- Performance Targets (PDF 390KB)
February 21: TDM Executive Board
- 2/21/2024 Agenda (PDF 299KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 111KB)
- TDM Executive Board Retreat Outcomes PICK Chart (PDF 162KB)
February 8: TDM Technical Committee
- 2/8/2024 Agenda (PDF 200KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 91KB)
- 2025-2027 Regional Mobility Grant Program (PDF 115KB)
- Milestone Minutes (PDF 115KB)
- 2024 TDM Technical Committee work plan (PDF 133KB)
- Discussion item: TDM Technical Committee term limits (PDF 154KB)
January 11: TDM Technical Committee
- 1/11/2024 Agenda (PDF 200KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 118KB)
- APPROVED: Process to approve CTR 4-year plan performance targets (PDF 111KB)
- Engaging vulnerable populations for local and regional CTR plan updates: guidance (PDF 69KB)
- DRAFT: Process to approve CTR 4-year plan performance targets (PDF 179KB)
December 20: TDM Executive Board
- 12/20/2023 Agenda (PDF 187KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 131KB)
- CTR Tax Credit Amendment (PDF 78KB)
- CTR-affected Designation for Cities Project Update (PDF 628KB)
- Regional CTR Plan Kickoff Meetings (PDF 29KB)
December 13: TDM Technical Committee
- 12/13/2023 Agenda (PDF 199KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 209KB)
- Commute Trip Reduction Tax Credit Amendments: Draft Technical Committee Proposal (PDF 201KB)
October 25: TDM Technical Committee
- 10/25/2023 Agenda (PDF 325KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 58KB)
- Administrative Workplan Highlights (PDF 58KB)
- Policy Archiving Project (PDF 410KB)
CTR Open House Q&A Sessions for Implementers
- 8/8/2023 CTR Open House Q&A Compilation (PDF 168KB)
- 8/22/2023 CTR Open House Q&A Compilation (PDF 114KB)
- 9/5/2023 CTR Open House Q&A Compilation (PDF 34KB)
- 9/19/2023 CTR Open House Q&A Compilation (PDF 52KB)
- CTR Administrative Workplans: How to (PDF 216KB)
- CTR 4-Year plan development timeline (PDF 192KB)
September 6: TDM Technical Committee
- 9/6/2023 Agenda (PDF 366KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 204KB)
- Administrative Workplan Update (PDF 18KB)
- Tax Credit Update (PDF 29KB)
- Policy Archiving Project Update (PDF 395KB)
- TDM Technical Committee and Executive Board Retreat Planning (PDF 558KB)
- Top 5 Presenter: Flip Your Trip Center City Campaign (PDF 904KB)
July 24: TDM Executive Board
- 7/24/2023 Agenda (PDF 331KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 206KB)
- CTR Budget and 4-Year Plans Update (PDF 190KB)
- State CTR Plan Overview and State Worker Transportation Benefits (PDF 173KB)
- Commute Trip Reduction 2021-2023: Preliminary Results, Sneak Peek (PDF 102KB)
July 13: TDM Technical Committee
- 7/13/2023 Agenda (PDF 285KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 226KB)
- TDM Workplan July 2022 – Sept 2023, updated July 2023 (PDF 248KB)
- DRAFT 2023-2025 State Commute Trip Reduction Plan (PDF 667KB)
- Final APPROVED CTR Telework and Remote Work Policy (PDF 573KB)
- DRAFT Remote Work policy recommendation (PDF 200KB)
- DRAFT Equity Study Project Brief (PDF 192KB)
- CTR-affected Designation for Cities project brief presentation (PDF 166KB)
June 14: TDM Technical Committee
- 6/14/2023 Agenda (PDF 349KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 202KB)
- TDM Workplan July 2022 – Sept 2023, updated June 2023 (PDF 211KB)
- State CTR Plan: Update (PDF 94KB)
- CTR 4-Year Plan Development timeline (PDF 242KB)
- Equity Research (PDF 335KB)
- CTR Survey Tool Timeline update (PDF 641KB)
May 17: TDM Executive Board
- 5/17/2023 Agenda (PDF 336 KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 237KB)
- CTR Budget Update (PDF 301KB)
- Improving Mobility research (PDF 1MB)
May 3: TDM Technical Committee
- 5/3/2023 Agenda (PDF 361KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 218KB)
- TDM Workplan July 2022 – Sept 2023, updated May 2023 (PDF 188KB)
- 2023 Legislative Session update (PDF 127KB)
- CTR Tax Credit presentation (PDF 107KB)
- RideshareOnline update (PDF 116KB)
- CTR Survey Tool Timeline update (PDF 214KB)
- CTR Program Budget recommendation (PDF 302 KB)
April CTR Budget Scenario Sprint Discussions
- 4/27/2023 Budget Draft Scenario Q & A from Week 3 Sprint (PDF 814KB)
- 4/20/2023 Budget Draft Scenario Q & A from Week 2 Sprint (PDF 569KB)
- 4/18/2023 Budget Draft Scenario Q & A from Week 1 Sprint (PDF 634KB)
April 5: TDM Technical Committee
- 4/5/2023 Agenda (PDF 350KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 215KB)
- TDM Workplan July 2022 – Sept 2023, updated April 2023 (PDF 185KB)
- State Performance Measurement (PDF 89KB)
- Top 5 Presenter: Commute Smart NW (PDF 5758KB)
March 22 & 23 CTR Budget Scenario Evaluation
March 8: TDM Technical Committee
- 3/3/2023 Agenda (PDF 335KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 178KB)
- TDM Workplan July 2022 – Sept 2023, updated March 2023 (PDF 189KB)
- Mobility Partnerships Grant Proposal with Sponsors (updated March 2023) (PDF 1.9KB)
- CTR Budget project update (PDF 447KB)
- State CTR Plan and State Performance Measures proposal (PDF 114KB)
- Survey Tool Update – March (PDF 238 KB)
- Top 5 Presenter: City of Vancouver (PDF 1878KB)
February 23 & March 7: CTR Survey Tool Office Hours
February 22: TDM Executive Board
- 2/22/2023 Agenda (PDF 383KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 11 KB)
- State of Transportation presentation (PDF 1856KB)
- Mobility Partnerships Grant flyer with sponsors (PDF 1261KB)
- CTR Budget project update (PDF 447KB)
- State Performance Measures Proposal (PDF 28 KB)
- CTR Survey Exemption Proposal (PDF 247KB)
February 8: TDM Technical Committee
- 2/8/2023 Agenda (PDF 37 KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 232KB)
- TDM Workplan July 2022 – Sept 2023 (updated February 2023) (PDF 188KB)
- CTR Plan Length Recommendation (PDF 200KB)
- CTR Budget DRAFT Rating Chart (PDF 105KB)
- CTR Survey Tool Timeline Update (PDF 220KB)
- State Agency CTR Update (PDF 104KB)
January 18 & 24: Funding Formula Open House Discussions
January 12: TDM Technical Committee
- 1/12 2023 Agenda (PDF 279 KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 191 KB)
- TDM Workplan July 2022 – Sept 2023 (updated January 2023) (PDF 195 KB)
- Draft CTR Plan Writing Timeline (PDF 125 KB)
- Current CTR Funding Formula (PDF 124 KB)
- CTR Survey Tool Update (PDF 181 KB)
- Top 5 Presenter: Commute Seattle (PDF 1.5 MB)
December 1: TDM Technical Committee
- 12/1/2022 Agenda (PDF 323KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 190KB)
- Draft CTR 4-Year Plan Deferral Language (PDF 176KB)
- Draft recommended new state targets for CTR Program (PDF 236KB)
- Presentation: Regional Mobility Grants (PDF 229KB)
- Draft CTR Plan Process Flow and Timeline (PDF 520KB)
- CTR Jurisdictional Training Needs Assessment DRAFT (PDF 298KB)
November 8: TDM Executive Board
- 11/8/22 Agenda (PDF 320KB)
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 225KB)
- Presentation: ODOT’s Innovate Mobility Program (PDF 841KB)
- Presentation: Transit Studies (PDF 116KB)
October 3: TDM Technical Committee
- 10/3/22 Agenda (PDF 136KB)
- Meeting minutes (125KB)
- Draft CTR jurisdiction training project brief (PDF 18KB)
- Draft State agency CTR project brief (PDF 17KB)
- Draft CTR 4-year plan updates project brief (PDF 17KB)
- Draft funding formula update project brief (PDF 84KB)
- Draft CTR performance targets project brief (PDF 20KB)
- Draft rideshare online project brief (PDF 46KB)
September 12: TDM Technical Committee
- 9/12/22 Agenda (PDF 137KB)
- Meeting minutes (PDF 190KB)
- Mobility partnerships flyer (PDF 667KB)
- TDM workplan DRAFT (PDF 135KB)
August 23: TDM Executive Board Meeting
- 8/23/2022 Agenda (PDF 175KB)
- Meeting minutes (PDF 231KB)
- Mobility partnerships grant (PDF 437KB)
- Mobility partnerships DRAFT handout (PDF 628KB)
- What is next for TDM? (PDF 177KB)
August 1: TDM Technical Committee
- 8/1/2022 Agenda (PDF 179KB)
- Meeting minutes (PDF 177KB)
- CTR draft planning recommendation (PDF 111KB)
- JLARC CTR tax preference report (PDF 1MB)
- Partnership mobility grant draft one-pager(PDF 2MB)
- Mobility Partnership Grant – legislative language (PDF 102KB)
June 6: TDM Technical Committee
- 6/6/22 Agenda (PDF 176KB)
- Meeting minutes (PDF 166KB)
- CTR expansion update (PDF 191KB)
- CTR survey tool timeline (PDF 87KB)
- Draft CTR expansion recommendation: Mobility Partnerships Grant (PDF 152KB)
May 24: TDM Executive Board
- 5/24/22 Agenda (PDF 197KB)
- Meeting minutes (PDF 233KB)
- Mobility on demand presentation (PDF 483KB)
- Active Transportation presentation (PDF 1.1MB)
- Climate Commitment act spending (JPG 117KB)
- HEAL act presentation (PDF 570KB)
- Highway system plan presentation (PDF 337KB)
- Vehicle miles of travel reduction presentation (PDF 785KB)
- Commute trip reduction expansion update presentation (PDF 194KB)
May 2: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes (PDF 165KB)
- 5/2/2022 TDM Technical Committee Agenda (PDF 214KB)
- Mobility Coalitions Concept (PDF 119KB)
- Funding Gap Analysis (XLSX 14KB)
- Climate Commitment Act requirements (PDF 78KB)
- Staff recommendation to not open CTR law (PDF 59KB)
- Where we’ve been, where we’re headed (PDF 169KB)
April 7: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes (PDF 175KB)
- 4/7/22 TDM Technical Committee Agenda (PDF 204KB)
- 2021-2023 RMG Concept (PDF 465KB)
- CTR Survey tool options workshop results (PDF 71KB)
- Legislative pathways for CTR expansion (PDF 103KB)
March 21: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes
- Move Ahead Washington presentation
- VIP proviso change
- Transportation package update 2/9/22
- Statewide Approaches Evaluation Workshop Summary
- CTR Law Update 2021 Technical Report
February 22: TDM Executive Board
February 2: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting Minutes (PDF 148KB)
- 2/2/22 TDM Technical Committee Agenda (PDF 278KB)
- Worksheet-TDM Workshop (XLS 455KB)