December 2: TDM Technical Committee
November 18: TDM Executive Board
- Meeting minutes
- 11/18/2021 TDM Executive Board agenda
- CTR Law Update 2021 handout
- Washington State Broadband Office – Updates for the Transportation Demand Executive Board
October 19: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes
- 10/19/2021 TDM Technical Committee agenda
- CTR Law Update 2021 handout
- One-Call/One-Click presentation
- OFM – Top 5 presentation
- CTR Law Update 2021 – Fall 2021 Work Plan
September 23: TDM Technical Committee
September 8: TDM Executive Board
August 26: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes
- 8/26/2021 TDM Technical Committee agenda
- CTR Law Update – Draft Initial Report
- CTR Survey Refresh – modal question slides
June 21: TDM Technical Committee
- 6/21/2021 TDM Technical Committee agenda
- CTR program update timeline (.xlsx)
- Draft CTR program update project brief (.docx)
- Draft CTR legislative strategy discussion guide (.docx)
June 3: TDM Executive Board
May 19: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes
- 5/19/2021 TDM Technical Committee agenda
- Commute Trip Reduction Program Requirements for Classification of Remote Workers
April 22: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes
- 4/22/2021 TDM Technical Committee agenda
- Proposed new CTR survey questions, April 2021
- CTR Refresh – survey questions and calculations (slidedeck)
- CTR program and policy implications April 2021
March 11: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes
- 3/11/2021 TDM Technical Committee agenda
- CTR Survey Refresh update (slidedeck)
- CTR Survey Refresh – status update for proposed changes as of February 2021
- CTR Survey Refresh Draft Survey
February 24: TDM Executive Board
- Meeting minutes
- 2/24/2021 TDM Executive Board agenda
- Transportation budget overview (slidedeck)
- Transportation budget overview (YouTube)
- The Business Case for Remote & Distributed Work Post-Covid-19 – Kate Lister
- WSDOT Telework Policy Directives
- WSDOT Telework Performance Benchmarks and Measurement
February 10: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes
- 2/10/2021 TDM Technical Committee agenda
- Member Top 5 – Mary Anderson
- Member letter to the legislature on multimodal account preservation
January 19: TDM Technical Committee
December 8: TDM Executive Board
- Meeting minutes
- 12/8/2020 TDM Executive Board agenda
- Washington State Broadband Office presentation
- Rethinking Transit & Mobility slides
- Rethinking Transit & Mobility draft report
December 2: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes
- 12/2/2020 TDM Technical Committee agenda
- Rethinking Transit & Mobility slides
- Rethinking Transit & Mobility draft report
- Potential Statutory Changes To Implement TDM and Telework Innovations
October 27: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes
- 10/27/2020 TDM Technical Committee agenda
- Options for the State of Washington to Support Widespread, Increased Telework – Draft
- Washington State Broadband Office presentation
- CTR supplemental survey report out Oct 2020
September 24: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes
- 9/24/2020 TDM Technical Committee Agenda
- Changes to the 2021-22 CTR survey cycle frequently asked questions
- Updated policy for the 2021-22 CTR survey cycle
September 16: TDM Executive Board
August 24: TDM Technical Committee
- Meeting minutes
- 8/24/2020 TDM Technical Committee Agenda
- Updates to the Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) survey
- Commute Trip Reduction survey proposed changes
- Proposal: Changes to the 2021-22 CTR Surveying Cycle and Surveying Effort
July 17: TDM Executive Board
June 18: TDM Technical Committee
- TDM Technical Committee meeting minutes
- 6/18/2020 TDM Technical Committee Agenda
- Whatcom Transit Authority Integrated Mobility Innovation project scope
- Updates to the CTR Survey slidedeck
- CTR Interview Findings & Recommendations
May 19: TDM Technical Committee
- TDM Technical Committee meeting minutes
- 5/19/2020 TDM Technical Committee Agenda
- CTR Employer Exemption Form
- Public Records Act Project Scope
- Mobility on demand + COVID-19 priority initiative survey results
- TDM Statewide Telework Sprint Team Draft Outcomes
- TDM Technical Committee Action Plan Gantt Chart
April 16: TDM Technical Committee
- TDM Technical Committee meeting minutes
- 4/16/2020 TDM Technical Committee Agenda
- Draft CTR Employer Exemption Form
- Draft CTR Recommendation for Worksite Exemptions
- State Human Services Transportation Plan Update
- CTR Refresh Interview Summary
March 13: TDM Technical Committee
- TDM Technical Committee meeting minutes
- 3/13/2020 TDM Technical Committee Meeting Agenda
- Mobility on Demand Key Issues and Solutions Workshop Outcomes
- TDM Action Plan Gantt Chart
- CTR data refresh draft scope of work (.pptx)
- GTFS-Flex (.pptx)
March 4: TDM Executive Board
- TDM Executive Board meeting minutes
- 3/4/2020 TDM Executive Board Agenda
- Mobility on Demand Key Issues and Solutions Workshop Outcomes
- Why Update the Public Records Act
- First Last Mile Grant Employer Criteria Options
- Draft Thurston State Work TDM Work Plan
- GTFS-Flex (.ppt)
February 12: TDM Technical Committee
- TDM Technical Committee Meeting Minutes
- 2/12/2020 TDM Technical Committee Agenda
- 2020 TDM Technical Committee meeting schedule
- TDM and Regional Mobility Grants Proposed Changes
- TDM and Regional Mobility Grants slides
- Draft TDM Technical Committee By-Laws
- Draft TDM Technical Committee Operating Guidelines